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Big data requires intelligent data management for a complete overview

CTE supports customers in collecting, structuring and archiving their data. After all, data management is of crucial importance for your company. This is the only way you can make well-founded decisions and maximize your company's success.

An effective data management strategy aims to optimize the use of data in accordance with applicable guidelines and regulations while increasing the value of this resource. Given the increasing importance of data as a driver of value creation, a well-thought-out data management strategy is more important than ever. Big data is the buzzword. The amount of data will continue to increase significantly in the coming years. Take the opportunity today to manage your digital data intelligently.

"We at CTE support you in contextualizing your existing data or defining a strategy for your future data management."
Stefan Kramberg, OT Solutions Engineer

Our services include customized IT and software solutions that are thought through down to the last detail and cleverly integrated. As experts in automation and industrial IT, we offer comprehensive support in the field of data management. With our Data Hub, we offer you the opportunity to store and manage data from your company intelligently and securely. With our knowledge and our partners, we can also help you to get more value out of this data efficiently. In the industrial sector with systems that build on each other, it's all about homogeneous data structures. We simplify data processes and implement everything from batch reporting to business intelligence analyses.

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We know our way around process data: Not only do we monitor whether deviations occur, we also gain new insights from your process data. With a data archiving system as a basis, we can analyze it and ensure that the data quality is improved. Our focus is always on your added value. Our data science framework provides you with data-based optimizations. With easy-to-understand dashboards and diagrams, you can quickly gain insights into the status and performance of your processes. In the event of anomalies, we offer the option of alarm and notification functions.

Together with our expertise in the automation of industrial systems, we know what is important when it comes to Industry 4.0. With our solutions in the field of operational technology, we also equip you for everything to do with data from your production. With our Data Science Framework, we offer you a navigation system for your successful IT project. Starting with fail-safe data management and Data Historian, we enable you to access current production data in real time via dashboards and use reporting to ensure the quality of your production and represent it to the authorities.

You will see - well-structured reports make your life easier. We help you to create clear management reports as well as reports for the authorities. Data Visualization can take many different forms. Together, we determine your specific needs and then prepare the existing data.

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