CTE positions itself in Industry 5.0
Almost ten years after it was founded in 2015, the "Industrie 2025" initiative presents its rebranding as "Next Industries". The focus is still on networking, knowledge sharing and innovation.
"We are an official partner of the Next Industries initiative," explains Patric Sumlak, data expert at ControlTech Engineering AG, Liestal, in an interview. When asked why, he doesn't hesitate for long: "We want to make contacts and drive innovation with swarm intelligence." Because that's what it's all about, the network is a central goal of Next Industries. The successful knowledge transfer and networking platform is entering the next round. Convinced that digital transformation works better together, Next Industries is increasingly focusing on communities that help each other move forward. True to the motto: inspire - transfer - network. The aim is to identify new trends and pool valuable knowledge. The platform connects industrial companies, solution providers and universities, promotes exchange and deepens knowledge through various events. The "from practice for practice" approach enables industry to make an application-oriented transfer to its own subject areas.

Industrie 2025 becomes Next Industries
Since June 2024, the national initiative to promote the digital transformation of Switzerland as a workplace has been operating with a new strategy. After successful development, a Quick Assessment was undertaken. Next Industries has been realigned to take account of developments in the manufacturing industry and meet its current needs. The focus is increasingly on practice-oriented offers to support companies in the implementation of digital projects, for example through practice circles. Next Industries is backed by the 3 supporting associations Swissmem, asut and SwissTnet.
Small groups exchange ideas in so-called practice circles. The CTE has focused on the topics of smart factory and cyber security. Everyone is talking about the smart factory or Industry 4.0. However, the new buzzword Industry 5.0 is already buzzing around the scene. What does that mean? Data expert Patric Sumlak also has an answer to this question: "While the first industrial revolution was about mechanization and the second about electrification, the digital revolution was at the heart of the action until the 2000s. Industry 4.0 is all about intelligent factories, personalization and sustainability. But where are the people?"
Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data and analytics
The application of AI in various areas such as production, logistics, healthcare and services is one of the greatest achievements of Industry 4.0. The Internet of Things with the networking of physical devices and machines is central - above all to collect data and optimize processes. When large amounts of data are collected to improve decision-making processes, analytics inevitably follow. This is why CTE is focusing on the new Data Management division: "We also benefit internally from the exchange of knowledge. My colleague Stefan Kramberg has also recognized the human component for contextualizing the data. Some experts in the Next Industry sectors are already talking about Industry 5.0, where people are valued more again," explains Patric Sumlak. He points out that the digital transformation of manufacturing SMEs is on the rise throughout Switzerland. In the manufacturing industry, mechanical engineering is leading the way. The chemical and pharmaceutical industries are in the middle of the field, while the construction industry brings up the rear.
You can sense the enthusiasm for the topic: "For CTE, the partnership with Next Industries is an exciting platform." On the one hand for inspiration and knowledge transfer, but also for greater visibility in new sectors. "CTE is focused on the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. We specialize in process automation. But we are also experts in the manufacturing industry. The content and technologies are almost identical. This is where we want to showcase ourselves," concludes Patric Sumlak. Once a year, there is an Industry Forum where industry and partners come together. This is where global companies show where they stand in the digital transformation. CTE would also like to present itself there as an industrial IT expert.