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Agile work processes, new insights, ingeniously coordinated 

ControlTech Engineering AG (CTE) has been working intensively on internal processes for over two years. Now another major milestone is just around the corner.

In an interview with Andy Langer in March 2022, author Noemi Wannenmacher noted that standing still in the automation and IT sector is more of a step backwards, especially in view of the increasing digitalization of the industry. CTE has always invested an above-average amount in training and technical developments. However, Andy Langer wanted to set another example with the Research & Development department. This structured innovation management focuses on cross-divisional knowledge transfer. This is how the new Data Management area was created, for example, which Dominic Brunner discussed in the interview in May 2024. He made it clear that CTE also wanted to position itself in the area of data management, as the importance of big data in the industrial environment is undisputed. In an interview with Noemi Wannenmacher in November 2023 , Raffael Hänggi outlined how brilliantly the interaction between CTE's various offerings works. The more clearly the interfaces are defined and the more precisely internal controlling functions, the more successful cross-divisional projects will be. "It's exciting when I read through my old articles again and realize how far we've already come," says Noemi Wannenmacher, who is responsible for marketing and communication at CTE.

Patrick Hablützel (Automation Engineer) and Dominic Brunner (CEO) during a presentation in the meeting room at CTE.

The product catalog is taking shape  

A lot has happened since the trade fair appearance at Ilmac in fall 2023. Noemi Wannenmacher comments: "The new website is online. Engineering experts are learning to tell stories and convey how CTE's customers work." As stereotypes, buyer personas would help to understand the needs of customers more precisely. When customers are centered at all times, thinking changes. "The deeper we immerse ourselves in the world of our customers, the more intuitively we grasp their pain points and can offer suitable solutions," explains Patrick Hablützel from the core team.

The CTE product catalog is taking shape with the launch of the product range divided into the main areas of Automation, Industrial IT and Data Management. Each area is given product families that cluster and clearly structure the individual products. "It really isn't always easy to determine the form in which we can extract all our services individually. But I'm seeing more and more clearly and realizing how ingeniously our range interlocks. Our services from a single source are a real added value," continues Patrick Hablützel.

The seven product families range from Automation Solutions, Operational Support to Engineering Services, Custom Tools, Security Solutions and Infrastructure to Data Solutions. This is also how the products are filtered on the area pages. The next step is to localize the products. Patrick Hablützel: "Where can we place our products in the system landscape? Which systems and partnerships belong to them? What dependencies arise with other products? We ask ourselves all these questions. We want to map extensive products individually and in variants. The aim is for our customers to understand what we do and where we can help them. In some cases, the migration of an existing system is the gateway to the complete automation of a production plant."

Since the end of March 2024, the perfect interaction between all areas has become tangible. The customer-centric approach is deeply rooted in the corporate culture. Agile work processes constantly bring new insights, which are regularly reflected on by the core team of Ronny Wasmer (Automation), Michael Gempp (Industrial IT), Stefan Kramberg (Data Management), Patrick Hablützel (User Experience) and Noemi Wannenmacher (Marketing/Communication).

Since the launch of the product catalog, the content has been discussed in depth together: "This process is time-consuming, but promotes a common understanding. It picks up on Andy Langer's idea (R&D division) as well as Raffael Hänggi's findings (cross-divisional major projects) and ensures that different target groups understand CTE's services. We want to offer solutions that are directly tailored to customer needs," concludes Patrick Hablützel.

Detailed pages are currently being created for each offer. "Then it's all about the real added value for our customers," explains Noemi Wannenmacher, who is responsible for communication and marketing. She knows how important customer centricity is and will continue to keep you up to date.

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