Industrial process automation according to ISA-88 standard
A standardized procedure provides orientation and helps to automate production systems.
ControlTech Engineering AG from Liestal has customers from various industries. A standardized concept for automated production helps all CTE departments and everyone involved to develop the same understanding.
Based on the ISA-88 standards, CTE has redefined its approach to automation concepts. "The increasing demand from our customers has prompted us to formulate a common language," explains Ronny Wasmer, automation expert at CTE. The main advantage for him is the basis in the industry standard ISA-88, which can already be found in the existing customer base.
CTE's standardized approach is also worthwhile for companies and SMEs that do not yet have an automation concept in place. This is because it forces different suppliers to adhere to the standard as well. They find their way around more quickly and can synchronize with surrounding systems. This saves resources in the form of time and costs. A clear concept at the beginning helps to draw comparisons and added value.
The standardized approach of the CTE takes into account current technologies for systems as well as for protocols and standards (e.g. MTP). The modular structure allows the concept to be flexibly adapted to different circumstances. With the standardized structure in automation, the data obtained is structured in the same way. This means that data comparability and analysis is ensured for further use.
The CTE concept for Automated Production helps. Also in data management! "That's why it makes sense for us at CTE to work with the areas of automation, industrial IT and data management. All areas are interlinked and we benefit from the expert knowledge of everyone involved in such concepts," says Ronny Wasmer.
The complexity of the system can be significantly reduced through modular design.
CTE's standardized approach simplifies large systems. "The modular structure of the specifications and software significantly reduces the complexity of the system," explains Andy Langer, COO of CTE and responsible for research and development at CTE. The reusability of the software structures within the system and also for other systems is guaranteed. Functionalities and securities are implemented in the software as independently and structured as possible. This is a significant added value, especially when expanding the system.
Consistent modularity provides a high degree of flexibility: test times and errors are reduced as tests are also carried out and completed in the office or on the system in a modular fashion. With clearly definable influencing factors, this approach ensures optimum controllability. Individual customer requirements can of course be integrated into the CTE concept for Automated Production . The automation standards can be used as a basis for evaluating the requirements in several steps together with the responsible persons.
"I think that we score where no automation standards have yet been specified," says Ronny Wasmer. If there are no modular structures, there is often hardly any flexibility when adapting products and processes. Reprogramming and qualification become lengthy and expensive. "This is where CTE comes in. We help when different suppliers make life difficult with their own concepts and specifications." Of course, CTE also loves to automate systems from the ground up. In short: the CTE concept is worthwhile for any industrial process automation.
"This is where CTE comes in. We help when different suppliers make life difficult with their own concepts and specifications."