ISO 9001:2015 recertification audit successfully passed!
We are proud to announce that ControlTech Engineering AG has once again successfully met the ISO certification criteria for quality management systems(ISO 9001:2015). CTE has been ISO-certified since 1996.
Every three years, the SQS - Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems carries out a major recertification audit. In June 2023, we were audited again and our processes were examined. We are pleased to have successfully completed the full ISO audit in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard without any deviations, observations or recommendations.
Professional support from Solution-Guide
Pascal Franz, owner of the company Solution-Guide, provides us with support and expert advice in this challenging process. As a member of the CTE quality management team, he is jointly responsible for comprehensively training employees and optimising processes within CTE. Since the last audit, we have digitalised and simplified many processes together. The resulting CIP projects were implemented in a timely and practical manner.
"It is a pleasure to further develop the CTE management system with such strong colleagues."
His conclusion on the recertification audit: "During the recertification audit, we were able to demonstrate CTE's systematic approach without any gaps. The audited employees know their trade. Over the past year, the quality management group has taken major steps to reduce the number of documents and eliminate duplication, thereby simplifying the management system".
The next step involves the harmonisation and standardisation of process-related documents. In addition, employee training and awareness-raising will be further intensified in order to identify and correct challenges at an early stage.